digital books 14 Books of Tintin Comics in Bengali as PDF File.
From this post “Tintin Comics”, you can collection the most popular Bengali comics ebook Tintin. The most discussed comic character in the twentieth century seems to be "Tintin". Tintin is one of the most popular characters of all ages readers. Now I want to share with you 14 tintin comics ebooks, these are-
bombete jahaj, biplobider dongole, Chande tintin, Chondroloke obijhan, Dursahosi tintin, Kankra Rahoshyo, kanbhanga murti, Lohit sagorer hangar, Momyr ovishap, Nil komol, Panna Kothay, Pharaor churut, Surjadeber bondi, Tibbot e tintin, Lal Bombeter Guptodhan, Javate Tintin, Masroom Kanda
So don’t forget to download Tintin comics ebook from following link-
digital books Tintin Comics as a PDF File-
Separate Download Link, Below of the every Picture-
Bombete jahaj (বোম্বেটে জাহাজ) | Biplobider dongole (বিপ্লবীদের দঙ্গলে) | Chande tintin (চাঁদে টিনটিন) |
Chondroloke obijhan (চন্দ্রালোকে অà¦িযান) | Dursahosi tintin (দুঃসাহসী টিনটিন) | Kankra Rahoshyo (কাঁকড়া রহস্য) |
Kanbhanga murti (কানà¦াঙা মূর্তি) | Lohit sagorer hangar Buy the book from amazon | Momir ovishap (মমির অà¦িশাপ) |
Nil komol (নীল কমল) | Panna Kothay (পান্না কোথায়) | Pharao'er churut (ফারাওয়ের চুরুট) |
Surjadeber bandi (সূর্যদেবের বন্দি) | Tibbot e Tintin (তিব্বতে টিনটিন) | Congoy Tintin (কঙ্গোয় টিনটিন) |
There are also-
**After reading these pdf, if you want to collect the hard cover of these from amazon, then Click Here
Thanks for those who upload this collection
* প্রিয় পাঠকগণ, আপনারা অসাধারণ সব বইয়ের অরিজিনাল কপি নীচের লিংক হইতে সংগ্রহ করিতে পারিবেন।
Click here for commentsonly 2nd and last links r working................ thnks 4 d both links... plz update d othr links as soon as possible... lukin forwrd 2 download d whole tintin series.......
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