Shrikanta (akhanda) by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

Shrikanta by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay pdf

Shrikanta (akhanda) by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay ebook pdf download.
Shrikant an autobiographical novel by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay which finished in four volumes. He did not wrote these four volumes together, respectively 1917, 1918, 1927, and in 1933 he finished writing these four volumes. Through the character of Shrikant reflected the personal life of the author. Today's sharable pdf ebook is Shrikanta(akhanda) there are four volumes present in the book. The book have 732 pages, 44 mb pdf size with excellent quality.
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* প্রিয় পাঠকগণ, আপনারা অসাধারণ সব বইয়ের অরিজিনাল কপি নীচের লিংক হইতে সংগ্রহ করিতে পারিবেন।

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